Self Help Group (SHG)
- To get access to policy making bodies through political empowerment and social mobility.
- To facilitate linkage between SHGs and bank/government agencies/local institutions.
- To have better access to development information and marketing linkage.
- To resolve any conflicts that may arise within member SHGs.
- To assist in strengthening the performance of member SHGs.
- To help in achieving sustainability of SHG.
- To strengthen (though training, information dissemination, on site support, etc.)the capacity of member SHGs in one or more of a variety of fields (bookkeeping, accounting, marketing, financial, management, advocacy, bank linkage, accessing government schemes, to name some).
- To provide credit, especially multiple credit lines.
- To provide savings facilities , especially voluntary savings.
- To undertake marketing of the produce.
- To provide life/loan insurance services.
- To provide staff support to member SHGs.
- To write and/or audit the accounts of member SHGs.
- To review/regulate/supervise the functioning of members SHGs.
- To promote new SHGs.
- To create the political/social space that women needs to live their lives as fully as they desire.
- To be the window to the outside world, in replacement of the promoter organisation.
- To undertake all that the external facilitator was undertaking, after its departure.
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